Thursday 7 March 2013

ASSIGNMENT 1: 'Two generations of teachers: differences in attitude towards ICT by Silvia Ferrero.

Record 2 conclusions you reached when reading: ' Two generations of teachers: differences in attitude towards ICT.

My conclusions:

1. Based on the reading material and my observations, the main factor which affects teachers' ability towards ICT is their attitude.  It depends upon the level of fear, skepticism and history/background of the individual. Lack of  technical and institutional support affects their confidence and may render them powerless to implement ICT in classrooms.

2. 'Two generations of teachers  Differences in attitudes towards ICT' by Silvia Ferrero explored the theory of 'generation divide' playing a role in teachers' relationship with ICT. Based on their assessments it has been concluded that 'generation divide' is not a major contributing factor. I agree with this based on my personal experience. Attitudes towards ICT among teacher vary regardless of age. It all depends on the individual and their willingness to learn. In order to embrace this willingness, there must be support structures in place for these individuals by their institutions. They must also be given ample space and time to practice and interact with these technologies. This i think will create a more positive attitude towards ICT and greater improve teachers' confidence.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

ICT Usage in my School.

In my school ICT is used  to support teaching and learning by means of  researching  of information by both educators and learners and enabling communication with parents. Each class has their own website where they post weekly newsletters to parents communicating topics which will be covered, up coming projects and events, important dates, student achievements,stars of the week etc.. Website also comprises of  pictures of students engaged in classroom activities, videos to support and reinforce concepts taught. Parents can contribute to our website and communicate with teachers via e mail or directly on the website by using the comment box option.
Teachers also make use of ICT during continuous professional development (CPD) workshops, setting online projects for students(studyladder) and research based projects. In some instances students are required to go to class website and contribute to discussions.