Monday 27 May 2013

Assignment 2 :Reflection

This assignment proved to be challenging.I had to firstly, try and figure out the format of the template and what the requirements and criteria was asking of me.Then apply the knowledge acquired from activity nine.
 I gained new insights about websites. How to determine if a particular site is credible, the information provided is accurate, If the author or publisher of the site is being bias and the purpose of a site. These newly learnt skills can help me to evaluate websites based on a set of criterias and will definitely come in handy in my teaching and learning.

Group Activity 7: Reflection ( Spreadsheet as a learning resource )

This activity was quite interesting. As it explores the possibilities of using spreedsheet as a tool in the classroom, whether you have one computer or a large group of students. As most of my collegues would agree that the students, when engaged with the technology feels more empowered , they become more creative and are generally more focused and  enthusiastic about the activity. At the same time disruputive behaviour is at minimal during class time. There are many ways to approach this activity. It all depends on the individual, and their comfort  level  how they choose to tackle it.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Reflections Assignment 1: ICT in support of the educator

After completing assignment one reflecting on the roles of the teacher. This has been an awakening for me as it taught me how important teachers are to our society, the position we hold and the responsibility we have to our students and in the development of our community. It also showed me how ICT can be a great asset to me as an individual in my teaching and professional growth.
As a teacher I am embracing the use of ICT in and out of the classroom to fully equip myself with the necessary skills for the 21st century. I will be integrating ICT in my teaching and exposing my learners to these skills to meet their every needs. Teachers need to adapt to the changes of times, before time changes and they are left behind.Teachers need to inspire, be creative, innovative, and be role models. At this point, I wish to propose an 8th role of the teacher based on the principle that teachers are bearers of the light paving a bright way to the future and evolution of our children of the 21st century. They are expected to give selfless service to others, dedicate time to the development of their learners and profession even though there is never enough. Exploring all avenues for learning, growth and development to create a well rounded, sound individual, igniting that divine spark in each child to perform to the best of their ability.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Self activity 5 - Exploring scenarios

Although I only managed to complete a few of the activities on exploring scenarios. Based on looking through these different scenarios, from what I've gathered this will be very useful to me as a teacher. I will definitely try and explore most of these scenarios and integrate them into my lessons and also share them with my colleagues at work.

Activity 4: Spreadsheets for administrative purposes.

Activity four was somewhat challenging. I've had little exposure with excel previously, so it was nice to revisit this program and getting re-acquainted with the formulas. I enjoyed manipulating this program. Creating a Mark Record book is very useful for me as a teacher as it can help me store students data easily and keep track of information which can be readily available to me when needed. I can always go back and use these templates as and when necessary.

Group activity 3a: Gathering of Ideas

I like this activity, as it gave myself and my colleagues an opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas on the chosen topic. It also gave us an opportunity to share feedback on each other's points of views.

Group activity 3B: Word processor For lesson Preparation.

This activity gave me further practice with using word processor for preparing classroom materials. It also encouraged me to allow my students to actually use the program to create documents which i would have previously thought they were not able to do at their level. I enjoyed reading everyone's ideas in the brainstorming link. So many useful activities were shared.I would like to share this video with my colleagues. Enjoy!

Group 2: Word processor for a lesson preparation.

I often use word processor for lesson preparation. This activity was not so challenging for me as i had some practice. However i still need to explore a bit more and use Word to its full potential. I love the worksheets my colleagues produced and glad i had an opportunity to view and give feedback on  what they've created.
They did an awesome job!

Self activity 2 : Word Processor as an Administrative Resource.

This activity was great. It allowed me to reflect on my admin duties as a teacher.It provided me with additional ideas on how to create documents which can enhance my teaching and learning as I grow as an educator. Which in-turn will help me to be more organized allowing me to work more efficiently.

Module 2:Group Activity 1- The Roles of the Educator

The reading materials was very interesting as it breaks down the different areas that teachers are responsible for. It was refreshing to use a variety of  applications for collaborating with colleagues on the topic of discussion. Isn't it interesting how we can use different applications for the same purpose? It was the first time I've used Google spreadsheet. It seemed quite user friendly and straight forward. I would definitely recommend this to my colleagues back at school.