Saturday 11 May 2013

Reflections Assignment 1: ICT in support of the educator

After completing assignment one reflecting on the roles of the teacher. This has been an awakening for me as it taught me how important teachers are to our society, the position we hold and the responsibility we have to our students and in the development of our community. It also showed me how ICT can be a great asset to me as an individual in my teaching and professional growth.
As a teacher I am embracing the use of ICT in and out of the classroom to fully equip myself with the necessary skills for the 21st century. I will be integrating ICT in my teaching and exposing my learners to these skills to meet their every needs. Teachers need to adapt to the changes of times, before time changes and they are left behind.Teachers need to inspire, be creative, innovative, and be role models. At this point, I wish to propose an 8th role of the teacher based on the principle that teachers are bearers of the light paving a bright way to the future and evolution of our children of the 21st century. They are expected to give selfless service to others, dedicate time to the development of their learners and profession even though there is never enough. Exploring all avenues for learning, growth and development to create a well rounded, sound individual, igniting that divine spark in each child to perform to the best of their ability.

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