Tuesday 21 January 2014

Module:1 Activity 2 - Information Processing Approaches Reflection

Many things are involved during thinking, remembering and problem solving. We have to consider the way the mind process the information which is gathered from the environmental stimuli and then goes to our sensory register (SR). If the learner is unattentive,distracted easily or disinterested in the subject matter some information will be lost before it goes to the short term memory (STM). Information which is fascination or appears to be interesting to the individual will be encoded meaning it's linked to something the learner already knows making it meaningful and easy to remember,so it is stored into the long term memory (LTM) for retrieval later on by the working memory when the learner needs it. If the learner does not access the information from time to time he/she will forget how to retrieve it resulting in the loss of  information or forgeting the codes for remembering the info.

The process of information can be assissted if we get learners to:

  •  think about their thinking (metacognition). 
  • By focusing on the most important aspects of thinking: encoding, storing and retrieving information.
  • Teaching the learner how to develop a learning strategy to achieve their learning goals.
  • Using various learning tactics, such as: sumarising, taking notes and skimming through text for main ideas.
Self-activity 1.5

My experience of it. The first example was quite easy as I use the coin on a regular basis so I was able to recall information from LTM and use it in my working memory (WM). It was far more difficult to remember all the letters from the second example because they were just random and not meaningful so my thought processes did not percieve them as important.  As a result i only managed to memorize just a few  which i beleive will only last for the purpose of the activity and will not be stored in (LTM) but rather the (STM). The third example i was able to recall the information more easily and store it at a quicker rate because it was linked to things i already know so i could make a more meaningful connection and draw from prior knowledge.It was also grouped together in words making it easier to remember. I was able to encode , store and retrieve the information with ease.


Two important processes here are paying close attention to the stimulus. By doing this the working memory is free and is able to store new information. Perception also plays an important role. It helps us to recognize familiar things and find meaning to the stimulus. We as educators can assist learners to focus on what is important when planning, by focusing on the six elements which makes up a learning strategie.
  1. Metacognition
  2. Analysis
  3. Planning
  4. Implementation
  5. Monitoring
  6. Modification
Help learners learn by developing strategies for effective learning and tactics for remembering information. Assisting the learners to develop and effectivly use their cognitive abilities. Enabling them to create a learning plan, skillfully implement appropriate learning tactics, regularly monitor their progress, modify and make necessary changes.
We can help learners to use their short term memory and working memory better by encouraging them to keep revising, going over the information in different ways in the working memory to help them think about and  remember it. If this is not done the information would not be processed  and therefore the short term memory will quickly loose the information.
Hints for exercises we can use to assist learners to store important information.
  • When planning lessons link it to students prior knowledge so they can make a connection to the information.
  • Reherse or go over the information a number of times in using the working memories.
  • Try and make lessons meaningful and impact the learners in a positive way so the information last longer in the LTM.
  • Ascess the information from time to time, revisit the information so the learner can practice retrieving and recalling the information.

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