Tuesday 11 June 2013

Assignment 3 Reflection: Teaching and Learning with ICT

This assignment was asking of me to apply the knowledge I gained from activity 1 the seven roles of an educator and activity 11 Personal learning network. Looking back at my teaching and learning before ICT integration I can see there was much room for improvement and there's so much more I could have expanded with the use of ICT. There has definitely been and improvement in my lessons with the use of ICT. It has enhanced my teaching and learning. It has profoundly Impacted my students, they are filled with gusto and are motivated towards there learning. They are the pioneers of the 21st ceuntry skills bringing together a new paradigm and we as educators are facillating this auspicious shift in conciousness .

Reflection Activity 11: Creating a Personal Learning Network

PLN is a great idea for maximising the use of social media's in a positive way. It keeps us connected in an informal setting where we can have discussions, organize events/meet ups,webinars the possibilities are endless with ICT. I also love the idea of teachmeet and would like to see a project like that kick of in SVG. This activity also helped me to link all my networks together. I now have a DIIGO account where I bookmark all my favourite websites online. I created a twitter account as my main PLN where I will be posting from time to time ICT related topics or any new information i come across. I have also joined YouTube community and are connected with some very creative educators. All these I haved linked to my personal blog so it's easy for my colleagues to find my channels. I absolutely loved this activity. I will be sharing with my other colleagues at work. I will also educate  my upper gades students on how the can make positive use of social media.

Group Activity 10 Reflection: Can we be smart workers?

Yes we can be smart workers if we choose to. Social media holds infinite potentials for us as educators. It is the future of networking.Social media is being used to enhance informal social learning. And can be a wonderful asset to us as educators if used in a positive and constructive way.I love the quote "our rate of learning must be greater than the rate of change. L > C.Social media helps us to stay ahead of the changes and keep us up to date.