Tuesday 11 June 2013

Reflection Activity 11: Creating a Personal Learning Network

PLN is a great idea for maximising the use of social media's in a positive way. It keeps us connected in an informal setting where we can have discussions, organize events/meet ups,webinars the possibilities are endless with ICT. I also love the idea of teachmeet and would like to see a project like that kick of in SVG. This activity also helped me to link all my networks together. I now have a DIIGO account where I bookmark all my favourite websites online. I created a twitter account as my main PLN where I will be posting from time to time ICT related topics or any new information i come across. I have also joined YouTube community and are connected with some very creative educators. All these I haved linked to my personal blog so it's easy for my colleagues to find my channels. I absolutely loved this activity. I will be sharing with my other colleagues at work. I will also educate  my upper gades students on how the can make positive use of social media.

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