Sunday 8 December 2013

Assignment 3: Reflection

There were a few problems with this assignment which resulted in delays.Nevertheless we got through in the end. I did my best and hope to get some good results on this assignment. I was required to revise a teaching unit to include ICT integration and include more formative assessment strategies and include two assessment tools referencing aspects to ICT integration with one tool focusing on the process of learning and the other on the product of learning. This assignment was challenging but gave me more practice developing checklist and rubrics and tailoring them to suit different units of study.

Assignment 2: Reflection

In this assignment i was required to create five formative assessment tools in an attempt to fine tune our skills. we focused on the process and product of ICT integration. I enjoyed putting together this assignment although, it was very hectic for me at that time.

Module 4: Reflection Assessing ICT Integration

This was one of the most challenging modules I've encountered on this course so far. During the course of this unit I was required to critically analyze the following topics:

  • Present assessment practices.
  • What we assess?
  • What we assess? catering for diversity.
  • How we assess? assessment methods.
  • How we assess evidence? assessment tools.
  • Assessing information literacy.
  • Using reference resources.
  • Giving feedback.
I learnt much in this module's readings from:

  • Benjamin Bloom's revised domain of educational objectives.
  • Howard Gardener's multiple intelligence.
  • Felder's/ Soloman's learning style and strategies.
I enjoyed putting into practice in  my teaching and learning, creating assessment tools to evaluate the different teaching and learning strategies. I now understand how to create rubrics and checklists with clear criteria which caters to multiple intelligence of my students. I can't wait to share this information with my colleagues back at work.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Module 4: Activity 7 Giving Feedback

In this activity we were put into groups and were required to give feedback on our members work on activity six, The guidelines on giving feedback was very helpful and I will make good use of them.
It states that for feedback to be constructive and useful it needs to be done in a cooperative and supportive way. One needs to be direct, specific, observational not judgmental, be practical and sandwich the positive and negative feedback.
When receiving,try to listen, keeping an open mind, learn as much as possible, take action and make necessary adjustments on areas you agree with.

Module 4: Reflection Activity 6 Assessing Information Literacy

This was also an enjoyable and simple activity but as always with a group of Kindergartners it was a challenge. My selection was 6A, where we used Google search engine to find out what is a living and nonliving thing, and what living thing need to survive. A checklist was also created to record the research skills. Some of the students had the ability to identify the appropriate information/resources. Whereas, others needed additional support. Most had the ability to evaluate the information retrieved.

Module 4: Reflection Self- Activity 5

I quite enjoyed creating assessment tools (checklist and rubrics) in this activity and having a chance to put them into practice. I gained a lot from this activity. I understand that criteria needs to be clear and students should be aware of what is expected. The importance of constructive feedback and the different ways of giving them.

Friday 6 December 2013

Module 4: Activity 4 Assessment Methods

This activity helped me as a teacher to enhance my teaching and learning in many ways. My approach to the assessment process now is more clear. Assessment methods such as peer , self  and group assessments  can be used. when giving feedback to students and parents, reflecting and planning.  gathering evidence this can be done in a variety of ways  such as observations,portfolios, interviews, open book test, simulations, products and set questions. I can now include various strategies for different learning intelligence and evaluate different types of learner performance catering for the diversity of my students. I understand the importance of rubrics , checklist and giving the students necessary skills for taking part in critically analyzing their own and each others work.
I have learnt some of the reasons why teachers assess. Some of the most critical are to:

  • Identify the needs of learners.
  • Track learner progress and report on it.
  • Diagnose problems.
  • Assess my own teaching and make decisions about it.
  • Adjust the focus and pace of learning.

Module 4: Reflection Activity 3, Assessing Diversity

This activity showed me that when we assess students, we have to be aware of certain things and take much into account. We have to assess in ways that are suitable for all learners involved in the process, and take into consideration factors of diversity such as multiple intelligence and learning styles of our students. When I assess my students I can now be confident that my assessment practices/strategies and activities cater to the diversity of my students and allowances is made for different learning styles, multiple intelligence and varied types of thinking.

Module 4 Reflection Group Activity 2

I enjoyed this activity. How. why and what we assess. It gave a more detailed insight into the assessment process and product of learning and how they are closely linked. Continuous and integrated assessments helps us to keep track of progress throughout a unit of work. when included with varied assessment that caters to multiple intelligence for our learners, we can be confident that their needs are being met. Most of my group members came up with similar points in the brainstorming activity.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Assignment 1

Assignment 1 was somewhat challenging for me. Although it is current practice for me as a teacher, in job for us to use rubrics and checklist when assessing students work during term time. I have learned a lot from activity one, doing the survey, which helped me in my assignment. I am now able to make a sound analysis of surveys.

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 1

In this activity, I was required to carry out a survey on assessment methods and tools with my Kindergarten students. I had to explain to them and orally administer the survey and record the results. The results i got from my questionnaire and my students were the similar .The score was the same in range. This is an indication that i scored my questionnaire honestly and i make reasonable use of a range of assessment techniques. There is room for improvement and i will gain many strategies and increase the frequency and range of assessment techniques gained from this module.