Friday 6 December 2013

Module 4: Activity 4 Assessment Methods

This activity helped me as a teacher to enhance my teaching and learning in many ways. My approach to the assessment process now is more clear. Assessment methods such as peer , self  and group assessments  can be used. when giving feedback to students and parents, reflecting and planning.  gathering evidence this can be done in a variety of ways  such as observations,portfolios, interviews, open book test, simulations, products and set questions. I can now include various strategies for different learning intelligence and evaluate different types of learner performance catering for the diversity of my students. I understand the importance of rubrics , checklist and giving the students necessary skills for taking part in critically analyzing their own and each others work.
I have learnt some of the reasons why teachers assess. Some of the most critical are to:

  • Identify the needs of learners.
  • Track learner progress and report on it.
  • Diagnose problems.
  • Assess my own teaching and make decisions about it.
  • Adjust the focus and pace of learning.

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