Sunday 8 December 2013

Module 4: Reflection Assessing ICT Integration

This was one of the most challenging modules I've encountered on this course so far. During the course of this unit I was required to critically analyze the following topics:

  • Present assessment practices.
  • What we assess?
  • What we assess? catering for diversity.
  • How we assess? assessment methods.
  • How we assess evidence? assessment tools.
  • Assessing information literacy.
  • Using reference resources.
  • Giving feedback.
I learnt much in this module's readings from:

  • Benjamin Bloom's revised domain of educational objectives.
  • Howard Gardener's multiple intelligence.
  • Felder's/ Soloman's learning style and strategies.
I enjoyed putting into practice in  my teaching and learning, creating assessment tools to evaluate the different teaching and learning strategies. I now understand how to create rubrics and checklists with clear criteria which caters to multiple intelligence of my students. I can't wait to share this information with my colleagues back at work.

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