Wednesday 6 August 2014

Activity 2B pros and cons of ICT in the classroom

After my research, I believe that ICT enabled classrooms are a great way to enhance teaching and learning. It encourages students and teachers to learn 21st centuary skills.These skills not only prepares students for work life, but also fosters skills for creativity and social life. I found it interesting to read about the 'Grade 1 farms and food' document. The students got an oportunity to study farms and food. The project involved on site and classroom research, visits by experts, hands on work with food, expeditions, literacy activities such as writing and labelling, as well as cooking ,sketches, observations and taste tests. I realized that this project would have been able to take place without ICT, and the students would have learnt many valuable life skills. However, the ICT was used to record, document and share their work. A full colour calendar, professionally printed was able to be sold, which helps provide money which can be reinvested into similar projects. In this instance, using ICT aided the learning process and provided a product of their work. I believe this is a great balance. Having a useful ICT enabled classroom requires careful planning, guidance, and allocated times of use in order for it to be positively effective.

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