Tuesday 5 August 2014

Module 8- Managing Learning and Teaching with ICT- Activity 1 Reflection.

Before this module it would have been perceived that learning with ICT tools could pose as a distraction and there could be scenarios arising such as not all learners would be provided for with a device. After all the readings and research. I have learnt a lot of strategies and the benefits of embracing diversity. I can now encourage students to bring their own devices to class. The result may be students walking through the door with a diverse assortment of technology tools — iPhones, androids, tablets, iPod touches and the occasional laptop. Therefore the moment they enter the room, my low tech classroom is instantly transformed into a buzzing technology hub. By allowing them to use their own devices they become more comfortable with the technology and tool they choose to use. This is also the device they use to navigate the world. Both of those factors translate into more meaningful, relevant and engaged learning.

- Devices also need to be treated as learning tools.
- Teachers need to establish new norms.
- Students need to be connected to educational apps and websites
- When using I.T Labs rules need to be established. Students can be paired or work in larger groups. Clearly posted timetable should be visible for all.

- If there’s one computer in the classroom there need to be a roster with set time so students can have equal time for computer use. Ensure computer and all software is up to date. Ensure that software is age and subject appropriate. 

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