Saturday 21 February 2015

Module 10: Activity 1a Reflection- My School

What I think about ICT planning in general:  I think that ICT planning for a school is time consuming. It would need to be done by a team of I.T professionals, who would work along with the schools management and board of directors.

What I would like to know about ICT planning: I would like to know the step by step process of ICT planning, and what has been the most successful model so far. It would also be interesting to read about some pitfalls or mistakes, which can be avoided.

How I feel about the module so far: I feel that that content so far is relevant and informative. I am now able to identify where my school is in terms of ICT's integration. I can see that there is a need to have continuous professional development focusing on the integration of ICT into curriculum areas.

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