Saturday 21 February 2015

Module 10: Activity 2b Reflection-A vision for school ICT policy

How do you see teaching and learning with ICT at your school in the next 10 years?

My vision for ICT at Sugar Mill Academy in ten years’ time is one where all classrooms will be equipped with ICT systems, giving students and educators access to the global community and a wider variety of resources to choose from. Educators and learners will be able to collaborate with neighboring and regional schools on joint projects. All curriculums including I.T will be made available and easily accessible online to parents, students and teachers. All teachers will be trained and proficient with integrating ICTs within the curriculum. I can foresee Sugar Mill Academy moving from the applying phase to the integrating phase, with a sound policy in place and adequate resources.

What will my schools ICT policy need to include in order achieving this vision?
The policy will need:
To support the schools beliefs and ethos.
-      Details on how to develop ICT in the school and it’s use.
-      How the development of ICT will be beneficial.
-      Ways on how to improve students and teachers use of ICT to promote effective teaching and learning.
-      A CPD plan for teachers.
-      To be clear, transparent, fair and accessible to all involved.
-      To have a development plan along with a handbook describing a set of guiding principles, clear day to day procedures and organization.
-      The policy will need to be reviewed and updated regularly.

List some issues that you want to include on your own policy.

-Access to interactive software and resources.
-CDP for educators.
-Funding and maintenance.
-Managing the workload.
- Time for planning.
-Health and safety, e-safety.

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