Friday 25 April 2014

Activity 2- Experiencing Educational Software Reflections

Educational software is an asset to any classroom  school or educational institution regardless of students age or level of development. It enhances learning with direct manipulation of the tool. Students are in control of their learning they become more effective, independent learners and learns to develop social skills. Learning takes place through creating and utilizing hands on knowledge.
Although there are a number of free software online, most educational softwares will require a paid subscription so Educators  need to carefully review the software and  select the right one to match their students needs.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Activity1 Reflection- The Value of Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a great way to collect, save and share favourite websites, ideas or resources online instead of the regular bookmarking on your computer. It also helps you to organize your websites that are useful and provides quick access to other people with the same interest as you. As an educator this tool would be very useful to me as I can access my sites anywhere even if i dont have my personal computer with me.

Diggo Link

Saturday 12 April 2014

Module1- Activity 12 Reflection Problem Solving

This activity was really fun. My students enjoyed going outdoors and getting their hands dirty, they were very driven and passionate about this topic of littering at our school. They also came up with some realistic/practical solutions on how to effectively manage the problem of litter on our school grounds. They made some very creative posters and did a fantastic job with their oral presentation. The brainstorming strategy used  allowed us to exhaust all possible ideas and helped the students to think out of the box and come up with some great solutions.

Module 1- Activity 11 Encouraging learners to ask questions

This was definitely my most favorite activity throughout this module. I love the idea of using the contrast picture to stimulate my students thinking. It was great to see them so excited and engaged in this activity. I would definitely recommend this strategy to my colleagues and will be using it again in the future.

Module 1-Activity 10 Reflection Promoting Discussion

I had fun with this activity as it allowed me to use what I’ve learned and put it into practice with my students. My students thoroughly enjoyed the activity and were very engaged. The strategies I used to manage the discussion were very effective and the level of participation was great. The students respected each other opinion and gave constructive feedback. This was an excellent experience.

Module 1-Activity 9 Reflection What questions do I ask and why?

I find this activity very helpful as it equipped me with some very useful tools with which I can use throughout my teaching and learning. I now use these questioning strategies with my students very frequently. I model this in hopes that my students also will adapt this and use it as it will improve their learning and thinking if they ask the right type of questions which encourages thinking.

Module 1-Activity 8 Reflections Piaget’s Theory on Cognitive Development

This activity was very valuable as it helped me to assess my learners’ current level of thinking and construct learning experiences which are appropriate to my learners’ levels of thinking. I learnt that all learners in my class would not be at the same stage of cognitive development and that they each develop at their own pace and as an educator I need to provide a variety of learning materials to meet the individual needs of each learner. Jean Piaget has made a significant impact on my teaching and learning practices. I regularly reflect on any lesson I teach and always find new ways to improve, adapt and make necessary changes.

Module 1-Activity 7 Reflection Collaborative Learning

Co-operative learning in the classrooms is a great strategy which can be very valuable when planned effectively. When learners work in and collaborate with heterogeneous groups they are exposed to the diverse experiences of that group learning is experienced on a variety of levels and many talents are brought together in the workspace. Learning is also Scaffolded in a process where the students supports each other needs as the teacher supports and facilitate the process.

Module 1-Activity 6 Reflections Vygotsky’s Understanding of cognitive development

During this activity I learnt about the social construction of learning and that it is a process which happens by means of interaction between people. The learning activity first happens between people before it is represented cognitively or internally within the child. I especially enjoyed the readings about the ZPD the gap between what learners can achieve alone and what they can achieve with help from others.

Friday 11 April 2014

Module: 1 -Activity 5 Reflection Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology is a continuous process which happens throughout our lives. It determines how individuals change over a time and what factors contribute to these changes. This activity helped me to better understand how learners differ from each other and that they are not necessary at the same stages of development. Knowing how my learners grow and develop will enable me as an educator to create learning experiences suitable to meet their needs.
Some contributing factors:
·         Physical development
·         Social relations
·         Emotional development
·         Personality development
·         Moral development(perceptions of what is right and wrong)
·         Cognitive ability(thinking, processing information, learning)

As an educator I play a significant role in my learners’ development. I work closely with them on a daily basis along with the parents and other members of the community. With that level of understanding of what my learners needs are I can support them to develop in the best way possible. Most importantly I learnt that learners need love, care and support and teachers and parents play a major role in shaping our learners future.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Module:1 Activity 4 Reflection Behaviorism

In this activity we looked at behaviorism in children and how certain behaviours are connected to observations, imitations and experiences, stimuli from the environment. From the readings I have learnt that the motivation to repeat behaviours is linked to rewards and punishments. As an Educator we need to provide learners with a clear description and a model of desired behaviors. Be slow to punish and look for every opportunity to praise and encourage learners. We can create a much more positive, creative and respectful climate in our classroom. It is also helpful to offer reinforcers to our learners. Different reinforcers will be effective for different learners. Sometimes praising a learner’s good behaviour and being alert for consequences that learners prefer and appreciate.
Some examples of reinforcers that can be effective:
ü  Praise and encouragement.
ü  A special privilege or a preferred activity.
ü  Positive feedback on achieving success.

Module: 1 -Activity 3 Reflection Social Cognitive Theory

What have my learners reaction taught me about learning and teaching? Based on my teaching, learning and interactions with my learners and doing the readings from this activity. I have learnt that we can acquire new behaviours from simply observing and imitating others. This is referred to as modelling. This theory was originally referred to as social learning theory, but increasingly cognitive processes to explain learning have been included in the theory; hence the name social cognitive theory. As an Educator we have a strong influence on our learners they mimic us and it is important to use this position to be good role models for them, even more so in our teaching and learning practices.

Module: 1 -Activity 1 Reflection What is learning?

Learning is a creative ongoing process where the learner takes an active role in the development of his or her ability and is willing to experiment, discover and try out new ideas. Every child has the potential to learn. As an educator we have to take on the role of facilitating this process by encouraging, and stimulating our learners potential and creating conditions necessary to foster this growth. During learning the learner has to take responsibility and assume certain roles because learning is a voluntary act. Learning is also based on experience. When something new is experienced we actively create a set of mental schemas to incorporate this new information in order to make sense of it and store it in memory. Social interactions are also an important contributor towards learning.