Wednesday 9 April 2014

Module:1 Activity 4 Reflection Behaviorism

In this activity we looked at behaviorism in children and how certain behaviours are connected to observations, imitations and experiences, stimuli from the environment. From the readings I have learnt that the motivation to repeat behaviours is linked to rewards and punishments. As an Educator we need to provide learners with a clear description and a model of desired behaviors. Be slow to punish and look for every opportunity to praise and encourage learners. We can create a much more positive, creative and respectful climate in our classroom. It is also helpful to offer reinforcers to our learners. Different reinforcers will be effective for different learners. Sometimes praising a learner’s good behaviour and being alert for consequences that learners prefer and appreciate.
Some examples of reinforcers that can be effective:
ü  Praise and encouragement.
ü  A special privilege or a preferred activity.
ü  Positive feedback on achieving success.

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