Monday 26 May 2014

Activity 6a,b,c.

6a- Math - My experience using drawing tools.

I found this activity quite easy to complete, as I have often used Microsoft Word to make shapes and drawings. I made a simple math worksheet- identifying 2d shapes. The only challenge I was having, was that the instructions in the course was for the older version of M.Word. I was having some trouble making my shapes have 3d effects. I achieved this in the end by playing around with it some more, and experimenting wih different colour fills and outlines. Also, I couldn't upload my M. Word document onto Google community, so I ended up making the same worksheet in Google doc. I discovered that Google doc also has the same options to make shapes and lines.

6b- Science- Using paint to manipulate images.

I really enjoyed this one as I have never used paint to manipulate an image, and did not know that this was possible. I often give my students pictures to label and colour. I found a labelled template of the body. I edited it by erasing the labelling words, so that the students could label it themselves. I think I will find this tool very useful! I uploaded the image on Google doc and shared in the community.

6c- Language 4- promoting writing with ICT.

Even though Kindergarteners cannot write fully, we still practice creative writing, and I always use worksheets to help prompt them with instructions. I find Microsoft Word very handy for this. I decided to add to one of my creative writing classes by creating a worksheet: words with energy. The little boxes and lines guide the students on where to write. I had a good experience with this, and did not meet any challenges.

Monday 19 May 2014

Activity 5a: Explore website resources.

I chose Kindergarten Science as my subject. I enjoy making my science lessons fun, and I'm always looking for interesting experiments. I have not yet explored this subject area in terms of useful websites, so i was keen to see what i might find.

Concluding comments about the quality and variety of web resources available for my subject.

I discovered many credible websites while searching through the list of sites provided in the course materials.  However, it was challenging to find one which caters specifically to Kindergarten age group. My initial research came up with a lot of sites with games and simulations. It took a bit more time to find those sites which incorporate a variety of items on the checklist provided in the course materials. Below is a list of sites i chose to suit my needs, and a brief description of what they have to offer or may be lacking.

- - A well rounded site offering free lesson plans, curriculum frameworks, printable worksheets. It has shareware.You have to subscribe for $3.99 US a month in order to access everything. In order to get some of the free things, you have to sign in using FaceBook. There are interesting science experiments. It lacks relevant games and simulation software. I would use this site more for general information and ideas.

- - This site is very informative, teacher and child friendly. It offers lesson plans in accordance with my curriculum topics, homework in the form of projects, printer friendly resources, freeware, general information, drill and practice games, and educational videos. It lacks any links to social networking but overall it is a fantastic site.

- - A credible site with mainly drill and practise games, simulation software, worksheets, general information, and topics in accordance with my curriculum. It lacks lesson plans but the educational games are excellent. The site is linked with the BBC community, which means there is a vast amount of other information, chat rooms and community forums- not science related.

- - Offers a lot of kindergarten science links to games, simulation software information, slideshows, etc. It is totally free and has general information on science education. It seems to be a site rreated for Caesar Rodney elementary school. It links to Caesar Rodney Instructional Technology Resources, which has a lot of information on using ICT in the classroom - very handy.

I am pleased with what i have found, and will definately be refering to these sites for imformation, ideas, worksheets and software. I realize that i have not found a site which ticks all the boxes, but by taking the best aspects of what the sites in my list have to offer, I have some excellent resources to work with.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Module5 Activity 3b Reviewing Educational Software Reflections

For this activity, i first read about the purposes of  educational software. The most important purposes of a tool to suit my needs would be one which builds learners retention, allows for drill and practice, encourages exploration & creative thinking, and presents problems to solve. I often use educational tools for group, individual and remedial work.
Other purpposes of educational software that i can think of would include:
- Simulating or displaying information in a way that would stimulate discussion and sharing of feelings for group work/classroom discussions.
- interactive demonstrations of particular topics or concepts followed by activities which can be used to help slower students or build on what the students already know.
While reading, I discovered a handy tool called Kidspiration, and i was glad to see as part of the list, as I regularly use this in class, and I also agree that it is a very handy tool with a lot of free, useful phonics and reading activities.
Other types of online tools I have come across include:
- - a unique collection of interactive and fun educational games, age appropriate yet challenging, which tracks progress on skills. - provides various free educational games in various areas of the curriculum. Presentation is colourful and fun. - lessons and cool games in math, especially for older students.

The software reviews I found most helpful were focused in the category of basic skills development, repetition and practice, and remedial and special needs.

Readers are leaders
I found this review helpful because it is clear and to the point. The aim of the software was highlighted, and it mentioned that the installation process is easy. It showed how the different levels in the software relates to the curriculum, and that there are different levels and a variety of topics to relate to the user. It also explained how it manages assessment and feedback.

Clicker 4
This review had similar criteria to the Readers are Leaders review. I like that is was detailed enough to say that there is no specific content and that it can be used across the curriculum to help students learn to write whole words, phrases and pictures.

One important criteria that was not mentioned in both was cost/ membership fees, which I will add in my evaluation criteria for my activity, as this is important to my needs.

I explored a few of the various software review sites and found that some teachers evaluated them after using with the class, and some did not. I have yet to find some learner reviews, and one related to St. Vincent or a similar country, but I found some relating to Kindergarten level. During my own research, I also found some reviews by parents on forums, sharing ideas and opinions, which were imformative.