Monday 26 May 2014

Activity 6a,b,c.

6a- Math - My experience using drawing tools.

I found this activity quite easy to complete, as I have often used Microsoft Word to make shapes and drawings. I made a simple math worksheet- identifying 2d shapes. The only challenge I was having, was that the instructions in the course was for the older version of M.Word. I was having some trouble making my shapes have 3d effects. I achieved this in the end by playing around with it some more, and experimenting wih different colour fills and outlines. Also, I couldn't upload my M. Word document onto Google community, so I ended up making the same worksheet in Google doc. I discovered that Google doc also has the same options to make shapes and lines.

6b- Science- Using paint to manipulate images.

I really enjoyed this one as I have never used paint to manipulate an image, and did not know that this was possible. I often give my students pictures to label and colour. I found a labelled template of the body. I edited it by erasing the labelling words, so that the students could label it themselves. I think I will find this tool very useful! I uploaded the image on Google doc and shared in the community.

6c- Language 4- promoting writing with ICT.

Even though Kindergarteners cannot write fully, we still practice creative writing, and I always use worksheets to help prompt them with instructions. I find Microsoft Word very handy for this. I decided to add to one of my creative writing classes by creating a worksheet: words with energy. The little boxes and lines guide the students on where to write. I had a good experience with this, and did not meet any challenges.

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