Saturday 20 September 2014

Activity 5 Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards are great tools to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. It provides greater means for engagement,interaction and direct manipulation of the learning resources among the learners and teachers. With careful planning and implementation students become more excited about their lessons and collaboration is increases in the classroom.

Some benefits of  IWB are as follows:
  •      They help in broadening the use of e-learning because they rapidly demonstrate the potential of alternative modes of delivery.
  •            They make it easy for teachers to enhance presentation content by easily integrating a wide range of material into a lesson, such as a picture from the internet, a graph from a spreadsheet or text from a Microsoft Word file, in addition to student and teacher annotations on these objects.
  •          They allow teachers to create easily and rapidly customized learning objects from a range of existing content and to adapt it to the needs of the class in real time.
  •          They allow learners to absorb information more easily.
  •          They allow learners to participate in group discussions by freeing them from note-taking.
  •          They allow learners to work collaboratively around a shared task or work area.
  •          When fully integrated into a VLE (virtual learning environment) and learning object repository there is potential for widespread sharing of resources.
  •          When used for interactive testing of understanding for the entire class, they can rapidly provide learner feedback.

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