Thursday 18 September 2014

Assignment 2

This was an awesome assignment. I really enjoyed planning the budget. I tried to make it as realistic as possible and related it to my school. I choose to allocate some of the funds towards teacher training and initial setup etc... The reason I did that was because I believe if you are going to spend that amount of money USD 50,000 on purely hardware, it would be unwise to not consider installation cost and other additional expenditure that comes with the process. Secondly why have all this new computer labs or one computer classrooms when teachers are not proficiency and unable to use them effectively to improve teaching and learning  and helping the students to develop 21st century skills? However, I did enjoy the experience of creating my presentation and adding my voice to it. I would have like to do the YouTube video but was pressed for time. I will definitely try and use that in the future.

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