Saturday 20 September 2014

Activity7 Tablet devices in the classroom

Tablets have created an Equal Learning Platform in Classrooms
Some students are quick learners while others are not. Tablets provide all types of students an equal learning opportunity. The not-so-quick learners can repeatedly access the virtual teacher, without apprehension of embarrassment.

Education is Convenient on a Tablet 
Numerous educational apps are available which make learning interesting and educators have to select the right app. Teachers can also use their tablet for selecting simulation games for skill training and gauging how well their students learned. These conveniences free them to concentrate more on teaching and less on testing and grading.  

It’s also possible for teachers to try out different methods to turn education appealing.  The use of social media platform by students to post their assignments, hold discussions about it, and encouraging each other with proper feedback encourages collaboration. Educators can oversee this digital behavior to make sure it is along acceptable lines.

Uses of tablets are many. As an educator it depends on how innovatively you use it to maximize these benefits. Over time schools will conclude that the gains far exceed the initial cost spent on giving students a 1:1 learning device.     

Tablets are Cost- effective 

It’s becoming an accepted fact from the various mobile learning projects around the country that by reading on a tablet instead of physical books, journals and newspapers alone, the initial cost of deploying a tablet can be recovered. Being lighter than a laptop, it gives access to an array of study materials, making knowledge available at the fingertips.

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