Saturday 13 April 2013

Activity 9 - Reflections: School readiness.

The STar Chart seems to be an effective tool for measuring schools readiness for ICT integration. The conclusions I've reached are that, with regards to my school the chart shows me where my school can be in relation to ICT. We can use the chart and set targets to work towards. Mankato Scale is a basic teacher ICT assessment tool. It could be very handy if teamed up with the STaR chart, to provide a guideline for Professional Teacher Development purposes.

The STaR chart is applicable and practical in some stages. However the Tech-Target stage can described as an ideal, but is it realistic to human nature?  Do we as teachers, parents and students need this level of ICT in our lives? In relation to the reading material about 'teaching spaces' it posed the question: are we creating barriers to the outside world and human face to face communication?

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