Thursday 11 April 2013

Reflections: Activity 8, Impact of ICT on schools

Although it's not necessary to wait for ICT to examine our teaching practices, the use of  ICT could greatly aid us in our efforts to enhance our teaching and learning, assessments, evaluating our teaching spaces and how best or appropriate we can arrange our classrooms to integrate ICT. The Churchill report findings was most interesting. I especially like the project that was done by the Vanguard School, District 214, Illinois where all curriculum subjects are integrated and project-based and  they rearranged the entire institution in an alternative  integrating  ICT and meeting the students needs. They actually turned it into a business centre, where students had to dress accordingly. All lessons were project based preparing them for the workplace. I totally agree that the timetable should be tailored to meet the needs of the students and the idea of extra curricular activities being brought into the curriculum.

Some of the findings is already implemented in my school, such as the computers in with internet access in the classrooms so students can have readily available information and materials as and when needed. The anytime, anywhere access to information sources  enables students to engage directly with expert sources when they are needed and the sight, sound, touch experience becomes a powerful motivator in learning.
 With regard to arranging desk/tables i think its a fantastic idea as the students responds positively to that change. I think its refreshing especially if you are occupying a small space and you spend quite a lot of time there. The only constraints would be if you have many computers  in your class, to rearrange often  can become cumbersome.

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