Wednesday 3 April 2013

Self -Activity 4

List of skills and behavior students learn prior on entering school:

1. A child on entering school may have learnt these skills. This list would be ideal but it is not necessary for the child to have them all.

Social- Emotional Development
  • Expresses self verbally
  • Identifies other children by name this could be other family members or friends.
  • Can be away from parents for 2 to 3 hours.
  • looks forward to going to school.
  • Can take care of toilet needs independently.
  • Cares for own belongings.
  • Dresses self,brushes teeth.
  • Maintains self control.
  • Recognizes authority.
  • Gets along with other children,shares with others.
  • Talks easily,meets visitors without shyness.
  • Puts away toys, helps with family chores and works independently.
Knows: Body parts, First name, Last name, Parents' Name, Home address, Home telephone number, own sex and when to use a handkerchief.

2. Motor Skills:
Is able to: run, walk a straight line,jump, hop, alternate feet walking downstairs, march, stand on one foot for 5 to 10 seconds, walk backwards for 5 feet, throw a ball, paste picture on paper, clap hands, button clothes, build with blocks, complete simple puzzle, draw and color beyond a simple scribble, zip clothes, control pencil and crayon well, handle scissors, cut and draw simple shapes.

3. Colors, Shapes & Numbers: Recognizes primary colors.Recognizes triangle, circles, squares and rectangles. Can count to 10, can count objects.

4. Time: understands day and night, knows age and birthday.

5.Listening and Sequencing: Follows simple direction, pays attention, recognizes common sounds, retells a simple story in sequence, repeats a sequence of sounds, repeats a sequence of orally given numbers.

6. Reading Readiness: Remembers pictures from a printed page, repeats a 6 to 8 word sentence, pretends to read(and has been read to frequently), identifies own name in writing, prints own name, answer questions about a short story, looks at pictures and tells a short story, understand that one reads from left to right, knows letters of the alphabet, some nursery rhymes and the meaning of simple words.

7. Size, Position and Direction: 
Understands: big and little, long and short, in and out , up and down, front and back, over and under, hot and cold, empty and full, more or less, top and bottom, fast and slow.

How may students learn these skills:

  • Students may obtain some of these skills through socialization-interaction with peers and family members.
  • Through everyday activities and experiences.
  • By different forms of media, television, computers-internet, educational games, music, songs, dance etc..
  •  Through self exploration and observation of his/her surroundings. 
  • Modelling behaviors from parents and other family members.

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