Sunday 21 April 2013

Group Activity 4b- Do we need to teach ICT skills? Reflections

While reading about Dr. Mitra's work and Vygotsky's  spontaneous learning. It is clear that  there are parallels between both their work. Vygotsky theory states that spontaneous learning is acquired knowledge based on everyday experiences. Learning does not happen in a planned way but done spontaneously as apposed to schooled/scientific learning, where the child learning experiences are planned for them based on knowledge discovered before hand.
Minimally invasive education presents the idea of unsupervised learning where children learn through discovery and exploration. It has shown that their learning has accelerated exponentially.
If we simplify scientific concepts and try to link them to the spontaneous concepts that the learners has already developed and what stage a learner should undertake learning we can greatly improve our teaching practice of ICT and all other subject areas.

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