Sunday 8 December 2013

Assignment 3: Reflection

There were a few problems with this assignment which resulted in delays.Nevertheless we got through in the end. I did my best and hope to get some good results on this assignment. I was required to revise a teaching unit to include ICT integration and include more formative assessment strategies and include two assessment tools referencing aspects to ICT integration with one tool focusing on the process of learning and the other on the product of learning. This assignment was challenging but gave me more practice developing checklist and rubrics and tailoring them to suit different units of study.

Assignment 2: Reflection

In this assignment i was required to create five formative assessment tools in an attempt to fine tune our skills. we focused on the process and product of ICT integration. I enjoyed putting together this assignment although, it was very hectic for me at that time.

Module 4: Reflection Assessing ICT Integration

This was one of the most challenging modules I've encountered on this course so far. During the course of this unit I was required to critically analyze the following topics:

  • Present assessment practices.
  • What we assess?
  • What we assess? catering for diversity.
  • How we assess? assessment methods.
  • How we assess evidence? assessment tools.
  • Assessing information literacy.
  • Using reference resources.
  • Giving feedback.
I learnt much in this module's readings from:

  • Benjamin Bloom's revised domain of educational objectives.
  • Howard Gardener's multiple intelligence.
  • Felder's/ Soloman's learning style and strategies.
I enjoyed putting into practice in  my teaching and learning, creating assessment tools to evaluate the different teaching and learning strategies. I now understand how to create rubrics and checklists with clear criteria which caters to multiple intelligence of my students. I can't wait to share this information with my colleagues back at work.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Module 4: Activity 7 Giving Feedback

In this activity we were put into groups and were required to give feedback on our members work on activity six, The guidelines on giving feedback was very helpful and I will make good use of them.
It states that for feedback to be constructive and useful it needs to be done in a cooperative and supportive way. One needs to be direct, specific, observational not judgmental, be practical and sandwich the positive and negative feedback.
When receiving,try to listen, keeping an open mind, learn as much as possible, take action and make necessary adjustments on areas you agree with.

Module 4: Reflection Activity 6 Assessing Information Literacy

This was also an enjoyable and simple activity but as always with a group of Kindergartners it was a challenge. My selection was 6A, where we used Google search engine to find out what is a living and nonliving thing, and what living thing need to survive. A checklist was also created to record the research skills. Some of the students had the ability to identify the appropriate information/resources. Whereas, others needed additional support. Most had the ability to evaluate the information retrieved.

Module 4: Reflection Self- Activity 5

I quite enjoyed creating assessment tools (checklist and rubrics) in this activity and having a chance to put them into practice. I gained a lot from this activity. I understand that criteria needs to be clear and students should be aware of what is expected. The importance of constructive feedback and the different ways of giving them.

Friday 6 December 2013

Module 4: Activity 4 Assessment Methods

This activity helped me as a teacher to enhance my teaching and learning in many ways. My approach to the assessment process now is more clear. Assessment methods such as peer , self  and group assessments  can be used. when giving feedback to students and parents, reflecting and planning.  gathering evidence this can be done in a variety of ways  such as observations,portfolios, interviews, open book test, simulations, products and set questions. I can now include various strategies for different learning intelligence and evaluate different types of learner performance catering for the diversity of my students. I understand the importance of rubrics , checklist and giving the students necessary skills for taking part in critically analyzing their own and each others work.
I have learnt some of the reasons why teachers assess. Some of the most critical are to:

  • Identify the needs of learners.
  • Track learner progress and report on it.
  • Diagnose problems.
  • Assess my own teaching and make decisions about it.
  • Adjust the focus and pace of learning.

Module 4: Reflection Activity 3, Assessing Diversity

This activity showed me that when we assess students, we have to be aware of certain things and take much into account. We have to assess in ways that are suitable for all learners involved in the process, and take into consideration factors of diversity such as multiple intelligence and learning styles of our students. When I assess my students I can now be confident that my assessment practices/strategies and activities cater to the diversity of my students and allowances is made for different learning styles, multiple intelligence and varied types of thinking.

Module 4 Reflection Group Activity 2

I enjoyed this activity. How. why and what we assess. It gave a more detailed insight into the assessment process and product of learning and how they are closely linked. Continuous and integrated assessments helps us to keep track of progress throughout a unit of work. when included with varied assessment that caters to multiple intelligence for our learners, we can be confident that their needs are being met. Most of my group members came up with similar points in the brainstorming activity.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Assignment 1

Assignment 1 was somewhat challenging for me. Although it is current practice for me as a teacher, in job for us to use rubrics and checklist when assessing students work during term time. I have learned a lot from activity one, doing the survey, which helped me in my assignment. I am now able to make a sound analysis of surveys.

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 1

In this activity, I was required to carry out a survey on assessment methods and tools with my Kindergarten students. I had to explain to them and orally administer the survey and record the results. The results i got from my questionnaire and my students were the similar .The score was the same in range. This is an indication that i scored my questionnaire honestly and i make reasonable use of a range of assessment techniques. There is room for improvement and i will gain many strategies and increase the frequency and range of assessment techniques gained from this module.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Assignment 3 Reflection: Teaching and Learning with ICT

This assignment was asking of me to apply the knowledge I gained from activity 1 the seven roles of an educator and activity 11 Personal learning network. Looking back at my teaching and learning before ICT integration I can see there was much room for improvement and there's so much more I could have expanded with the use of ICT. There has definitely been and improvement in my lessons with the use of ICT. It has enhanced my teaching and learning. It has profoundly Impacted my students, they are filled with gusto and are motivated towards there learning. They are the pioneers of the 21st ceuntry skills bringing together a new paradigm and we as educators are facillating this auspicious shift in conciousness .

Reflection Activity 11: Creating a Personal Learning Network

PLN is a great idea for maximising the use of social media's in a positive way. It keeps us connected in an informal setting where we can have discussions, organize events/meet ups,webinars the possibilities are endless with ICT. I also love the idea of teachmeet and would like to see a project like that kick of in SVG. This activity also helped me to link all my networks together. I now have a DIIGO account where I bookmark all my favourite websites online. I created a twitter account as my main PLN where I will be posting from time to time ICT related topics or any new information i come across. I have also joined YouTube community and are connected with some very creative educators. All these I haved linked to my personal blog so it's easy for my colleagues to find my channels. I absolutely loved this activity. I will be sharing with my other colleagues at work. I will also educate  my upper gades students on how the can make positive use of social media.

Group Activity 10 Reflection: Can we be smart workers?

Yes we can be smart workers if we choose to. Social media holds infinite potentials for us as educators. It is the future of networking.Social media is being used to enhance informal social learning. And can be a wonderful asset to us as educators if used in a positive and constructive way.I love the quote "our rate of learning must be greater than the rate of change. L > C.Social media helps us to stay ahead of the changes and keep us up to date. 

Monday 27 May 2013

Assignment 2 :Reflection

This assignment proved to be challenging.I had to firstly, try and figure out the format of the template and what the requirements and criteria was asking of me.Then apply the knowledge acquired from activity nine.
 I gained new insights about websites. How to determine if a particular site is credible, the information provided is accurate, If the author or publisher of the site is being bias and the purpose of a site. These newly learnt skills can help me to evaluate websites based on a set of criterias and will definitely come in handy in my teaching and learning.

Group Activity 7: Reflection ( Spreadsheet as a learning resource )

This activity was quite interesting. As it explores the possibilities of using spreedsheet as a tool in the classroom, whether you have one computer or a large group of students. As most of my collegues would agree that the students, when engaged with the technology feels more empowered , they become more creative and are generally more focused and  enthusiastic about the activity. At the same time disruputive behaviour is at minimal during class time. There are many ways to approach this activity. It all depends on the individual, and their comfort  level  how they choose to tackle it.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Reflections Assignment 1: ICT in support of the educator

After completing assignment one reflecting on the roles of the teacher. This has been an awakening for me as it taught me how important teachers are to our society, the position we hold and the responsibility we have to our students and in the development of our community. It also showed me how ICT can be a great asset to me as an individual in my teaching and professional growth.
As a teacher I am embracing the use of ICT in and out of the classroom to fully equip myself with the necessary skills for the 21st century. I will be integrating ICT in my teaching and exposing my learners to these skills to meet their every needs. Teachers need to adapt to the changes of times, before time changes and they are left behind.Teachers need to inspire, be creative, innovative, and be role models. At this point, I wish to propose an 8th role of the teacher based on the principle that teachers are bearers of the light paving a bright way to the future and evolution of our children of the 21st century. They are expected to give selfless service to others, dedicate time to the development of their learners and profession even though there is never enough. Exploring all avenues for learning, growth and development to create a well rounded, sound individual, igniting that divine spark in each child to perform to the best of their ability.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Self activity 5 - Exploring scenarios

Although I only managed to complete a few of the activities on exploring scenarios. Based on looking through these different scenarios, from what I've gathered this will be very useful to me as a teacher. I will definitely try and explore most of these scenarios and integrate them into my lessons and also share them with my colleagues at work.

Activity 4: Spreadsheets for administrative purposes.

Activity four was somewhat challenging. I've had little exposure with excel previously, so it was nice to revisit this program and getting re-acquainted with the formulas. I enjoyed manipulating this program. Creating a Mark Record book is very useful for me as a teacher as it can help me store students data easily and keep track of information which can be readily available to me when needed. I can always go back and use these templates as and when necessary.

Group activity 3a: Gathering of Ideas

I like this activity, as it gave myself and my colleagues an opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas on the chosen topic. It also gave us an opportunity to share feedback on each other's points of views.

Group activity 3B: Word processor For lesson Preparation.

This activity gave me further practice with using word processor for preparing classroom materials. It also encouraged me to allow my students to actually use the program to create documents which i would have previously thought they were not able to do at their level. I enjoyed reading everyone's ideas in the brainstorming link. So many useful activities were shared.I would like to share this video with my colleagues. Enjoy!

Group 2: Word processor for a lesson preparation.

I often use word processor for lesson preparation. This activity was not so challenging for me as i had some practice. However i still need to explore a bit more and use Word to its full potential. I love the worksheets my colleagues produced and glad i had an opportunity to view and give feedback on  what they've created.
They did an awesome job!

Self activity 2 : Word Processor as an Administrative Resource.

This activity was great. It allowed me to reflect on my admin duties as a teacher.It provided me with additional ideas on how to create documents which can enhance my teaching and learning as I grow as an educator. Which in-turn will help me to be more organized allowing me to work more efficiently.

Module 2:Group Activity 1- The Roles of the Educator

The reading materials was very interesting as it breaks down the different areas that teachers are responsible for. It was refreshing to use a variety of  applications for collaborating with colleagues on the topic of discussion. Isn't it interesting how we can use different applications for the same purpose? It was the first time I've used Google spreadsheet. It seemed quite user friendly and straight forward. I would definitely recommend this to my colleagues back at school.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Group Activity 4b- Do we need to teach ICT skills? Reflections

While reading about Dr. Mitra's work and Vygotsky's  spontaneous learning. It is clear that  there are parallels between both their work. Vygotsky theory states that spontaneous learning is acquired knowledge based on everyday experiences. Learning does not happen in a planned way but done spontaneously as apposed to schooled/scientific learning, where the child learning experiences are planned for them based on knowledge discovered before hand.
Minimally invasive education presents the idea of unsupervised learning where children learn through discovery and exploration. It has shown that their learning has accelerated exponentially.
If we simplify scientific concepts and try to link them to the spontaneous concepts that the learners has already developed and what stage a learner should undertake learning we can greatly improve our teaching practice of ICT and all other subject areas.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Activity 9 - Reflections: School readiness.

The STar Chart seems to be an effective tool for measuring schools readiness for ICT integration. The conclusions I've reached are that, with regards to my school the chart shows me where my school can be in relation to ICT. We can use the chart and set targets to work towards. Mankato Scale is a basic teacher ICT assessment tool. It could be very handy if teamed up with the STaR chart, to provide a guideline for Professional Teacher Development purposes.

The STaR chart is applicable and practical in some stages. However the Tech-Target stage can described as an ideal, but is it realistic to human nature?  Do we as teachers, parents and students need this level of ICT in our lives? In relation to the reading material about 'teaching spaces' it posed the question: are we creating barriers to the outside world and human face to face communication?

Thursday 11 April 2013

Reflections: Activity 8, Impact of ICT on schools

Although it's not necessary to wait for ICT to examine our teaching practices, the use of  ICT could greatly aid us in our efforts to enhance our teaching and learning, assessments, evaluating our teaching spaces and how best or appropriate we can arrange our classrooms to integrate ICT. The Churchill report findings was most interesting. I especially like the project that was done by the Vanguard School, District 214, Illinois where all curriculum subjects are integrated and project-based and  they rearranged the entire institution in an alternative  integrating  ICT and meeting the students needs. They actually turned it into a business centre, where students had to dress accordingly. All lessons were project based preparing them for the workplace. I totally agree that the timetable should be tailored to meet the needs of the students and the idea of extra curricular activities being brought into the curriculum.

Some of the findings is already implemented in my school, such as the computers in with internet access in the classrooms so students can have readily available information and materials as and when needed. The anytime, anywhere access to information sources  enables students to engage directly with expert sources when they are needed and the sight, sound, touch experience becomes a powerful motivator in learning.
 With regard to arranging desk/tables i think its a fantastic idea as the students responds positively to that change. I think its refreshing especially if you are occupying a small space and you spend quite a lot of time there. The only constraints would be if you have many computers  in your class, to rearrange often  can become cumbersome.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflections:Modules of technology adoption Activity 7

I enjoyed this activity and found it user friendly.

  • The instructions were clear.
  • The PowerPoint template was very helpful. It guided me to understand and formulate my content. The layout was appropriate and to the point.
  • I appreciated the fact that it encouraged communication. I got an opportunity to present my ideas for an ICT training Programme at my school. It was also enlightening to receive feedback from my school management.
  • It helped to clarify the ICT situation at my school and the best way to move forward.
  • I was introduced to dropbox and was able to experiment with it. I like the fact that you can upload files and  access them anywhere on any computer using this tool. Its great for sharing.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Self -Activity 4

List of skills and behavior students learn prior on entering school:

1. A child on entering school may have learnt these skills. This list would be ideal but it is not necessary for the child to have them all.

Social- Emotional Development
  • Expresses self verbally
  • Identifies other children by name this could be other family members or friends.
  • Can be away from parents for 2 to 3 hours.
  • looks forward to going to school.
  • Can take care of toilet needs independently.
  • Cares for own belongings.
  • Dresses self,brushes teeth.
  • Maintains self control.
  • Recognizes authority.
  • Gets along with other children,shares with others.
  • Talks easily,meets visitors without shyness.
  • Puts away toys, helps with family chores and works independently.
Knows: Body parts, First name, Last name, Parents' Name, Home address, Home telephone number, own sex and when to use a handkerchief.

2. Motor Skills:
Is able to: run, walk a straight line,jump, hop, alternate feet walking downstairs, march, stand on one foot for 5 to 10 seconds, walk backwards for 5 feet, throw a ball, paste picture on paper, clap hands, button clothes, build with blocks, complete simple puzzle, draw and color beyond a simple scribble, zip clothes, control pencil and crayon well, handle scissors, cut and draw simple shapes.

3. Colors, Shapes & Numbers: Recognizes primary colors.Recognizes triangle, circles, squares and rectangles. Can count to 10, can count objects.

4. Time: understands day and night, knows age and birthday.

5.Listening and Sequencing: Follows simple direction, pays attention, recognizes common sounds, retells a simple story in sequence, repeats a sequence of sounds, repeats a sequence of orally given numbers.

6. Reading Readiness: Remembers pictures from a printed page, repeats a 6 to 8 word sentence, pretends to read(and has been read to frequently), identifies own name in writing, prints own name, answer questions about a short story, looks at pictures and tells a short story, understand that one reads from left to right, knows letters of the alphabet, some nursery rhymes and the meaning of simple words.

7. Size, Position and Direction: 
Understands: big and little, long and short, in and out , up and down, front and back, over and under, hot and cold, empty and full, more or less, top and bottom, fast and slow.

How may students learn these skills:

  • Students may obtain some of these skills through socialization-interaction with peers and family members.
  • Through everyday activities and experiences.
  • By different forms of media, television, computers-internet, educational games, music, songs, dance etc..
  •  Through self exploration and observation of his/her surroundings. 
  • Modelling behaviors from parents and other family members.

Reflections Activity Three

This Activity was a bit tricky to begin with for me. I followed the instructions carefully and i was still unable to achieve the desired result because some vital information was missing or i may have overlooked it. Nevertheless, after playing around with Mindmeister for a while i managed to troubleshoot the problem. From there on it was smooth sailing. This made me realize as a teacher the importance of giving clear and simple  instructions to my students and double checking my instructions ensuring everything is concise.
This was the first time i came across Mindmeister and i was glad to be introduced to this online mind mapping software. Its simple to use fun Interactive and perfect for brainstorming. which can be useful to the upper grades when planning stories. They can put out their ideas, plot their scenes etc..This is most effective when working in teams.

  •  It encourages creativity-It expands your thinking to include all aspects of the problem or solution. You can identify a wide range of  options. 
  • Rapidly produces a large number of ideas. By encouraging people to offer whatever ideas come to mind, it helps groups develop many ideas quickly.
  •  Equalizes involvement by all team members. It provides a nonjudgmental environment that encourages everyone to offer ideas. All ideas are recorded.
  • Fosters a sense of ownership. Having all members actively participate in the Brainstorming process fosters a sense of ownership in the topic discussed and in the resulting activities. When the people on the team contribute personally to the direction of a decision, they are more likely to support it.
  •  Provides input to other tools. You may want to affinitize the brainstormed ideas. And, if appropriate, you can work with the team to reduce the number of ideas by multi-voting.
I would definitely introduce this tool to my colleagues and use it my self whenever i get the opportunity to do so.

Group activity 1 reflections.

Question: Is it impossible for a developing nation to compete with developed nation in the field of ICT integration in schools?

After much consideration, I firmly believe if it's the aim of the developing nations to compete with the developed nations in the field of ICT, this can be achieved through proper planning, implementation, training of teachers, and I.T technicians. All areas of ICT needs to be thoroughly checked and maintained with the funding allocated of course in order for this to be achieved. In addition i think this can be accomplished much more quickly if the developing nations work together and share resources. I do not believe it is impossible for a developing nation to compete with a developed nation in the field of ICT integration in schools.

Thursday 7 March 2013

ASSIGNMENT 1: 'Two generations of teachers: differences in attitude towards ICT by Silvia Ferrero.

Record 2 conclusions you reached when reading: ' Two generations of teachers: differences in attitude towards ICT.

My conclusions:

1. Based on the reading material and my observations, the main factor which affects teachers' ability towards ICT is their attitude.  It depends upon the level of fear, skepticism and history/background of the individual. Lack of  technical and institutional support affects their confidence and may render them powerless to implement ICT in classrooms.

2. 'Two generations of teachers  Differences in attitudes towards ICT' by Silvia Ferrero explored the theory of 'generation divide' playing a role in teachers' relationship with ICT. Based on their assessments it has been concluded that 'generation divide' is not a major contributing factor. I agree with this based on my personal experience. Attitudes towards ICT among teacher vary regardless of age. It all depends on the individual and their willingness to learn. In order to embrace this willingness, there must be support structures in place for these individuals by their institutions. They must also be given ample space and time to practice and interact with these technologies. This i think will create a more positive attitude towards ICT and greater improve teachers' confidence.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

ICT Usage in my School.

In my school ICT is used  to support teaching and learning by means of  researching  of information by both educators and learners and enabling communication with parents. Each class has their own website where they post weekly newsletters to parents communicating topics which will be covered, up coming projects and events, important dates, student achievements,stars of the week etc.. Website also comprises of  pictures of students engaged in classroom activities, videos to support and reinforce concepts taught. Parents can contribute to our website and communicate with teachers via e mail or directly on the website by using the comment box option.
Teachers also make use of ICT during continuous professional development (CPD) workshops, setting online projects for students(studyladder) and research based projects. In some instances students are required to go to class website and contribute to discussions.

Friday 22 February 2013


My name is Chad Grant. I am currently a Kindergarten teacher. I love working with children,traveling and meeting new people, surfing the Internet,Meditation and working with crystals.

Welcome to my Blog. Hoping to have a wonderful experience and some exciting discussions.
